
Wednesday 25 June 2014

Doctor Who - U.N.I.T. Heavy Weapons Section.

U.N.I.T. troops receive some much needed heavy weapon support...

The Brigadier, Benton and Yates direct fire.
UNIT heavy weapons teams.

Figures are Black Tree and painted for me by Robafett.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

7th Voyage - The Crew!

Rob has been painting up some Greek Myth style figures for me for 7th Voyage so I thought I would post a few pics - for more detail see Robs blog Alley's of Distraction.

All figures are Foundry.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

7TV - Good Guys vs Bad Guys.

A few more additions to the cast for 7TV...

Det. Roy Adkins, Sgt Finney, WPC Bentley and 'Bobbies' 

Von Polhmann and his minions pose for a family photo.

Dr. Eckhart and his team.

Orange Jumpsuited Minions.

Father Jimmy O'Dea.

Top photographic journo Don Donovan.

Von Polhmann and his staff.

Minions and transport led by the 'heavy for hire' Pugh.

Doctor Wei Mao and the science team.

Figures are Artizan, Black Cat Bases, Copplestone, Crooked Dice and Killer B Games. Vehicles are Corgi.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Work in Progress - Base Camp 12.

Some work in progress.

Picked up a set of three 'double cottages' from the very nice chap at Wargames Model Mods on eBay - my set was unfortunately missing two long wall sections so I contacted the seller and within a couple of days they had sent out the missing pieces - plus another whole building by way of apology!

For £20.00 plus p&p you get three very basic, but very pleasant buildings made up of two long walls, two peaked short end walls, a base and a two section roof. Also included are several cut door frames and window ledges to be used as you desire. There are several variations to each long and short wall so you can mix and match these for various combinations.

The buildings are lovely and simple to build. With a good glue and some handy elastic bands I was able to complete all four in about 20 mins. As mentioned, the roofs are in two sections, one slightly smaller than the other. These can either be stuck on, or as I decided, with a bit more work I braced the roof sections so they can be removed for play.

I reckon the possibilities of uses for these buildings are great! With a bit of work they could be military quarters for a U.N.I.T. base. The long structure brought to mind movie style WW2 prisoner of war huts so maybe this as an option? Or perhaps they are simple cottages for a fantasy setting? Suggestions please!

Although they are still to be painted (I am trying to finish other buildings at the moment) I could not resist laying out a quick WW2 set up to see what they looked like with figures and scenery...

All is quiet at base camp 12.

German guards patrol the grounds.

Hans and Karl on duty at the gate.

Karl found guard duty particularly boring.

The quiet was about to be disturbed!

A small group of British paras try to cut the wire...

What secrets lay within?

Sgt. Billy Tompkins encourages his men...

...but would Jerry notice??

Figures by Artizan and Crusader. Buildings by Wargame Model Mods.