
Monday 17 October 2016

7TV - The Cast (pt.2)

Some more pictures of my growing 7TV cast.

First up, some 'Doctor Who'...

Armed civilians...



"JB" and the local law enforcement...

Acolytes and sifu of "The Glowing Fist"...

Legendary Heroes...


Chinese Demons...



Daughters of Shiva...

Modern witches...

"Slade" the Cyborg and Doctor Smith...



The Soul Section...

Doctor Jonas...

Junior Doctor Hunt...

"Who ya gonna call?"

The Gatekeeper. The Key. The Slimer.

The Mystery Machine...

The King...

The Pauper...

The Doc and Marty...

Madame Zazora...

The Vampire, the Slayer and the Witch...

She thought he was dead...


Time to cook...

Number 6...

He only has 14 hours to save the Earth...

Nanoo, nanoo...

Harley Babb and her cameraman...

WKKM News Network crew...

Hard working citizens...

The Student Body...

Roving reporter Aaron Goff of the Norfolk Beacon...

The First Contact Rapid Response Team...

Albion Rocket Consortium crewmembers...


Ulysses Argo...

The Sinister Dr. Fang Cheng...

Atticus Finn...

Alex and his Droogs...

The Avenger...

D.I. Skully...

The Big Boss...

The assassin "Lazyeye"...

Friends of the Cabinet Minister...

Randolph, Nell and Peter...

The Secret Agent Man...

In excess of another 170 figures! Crikey. Maybe its time to consider another project?

Figures are from various companies including Crooked Dice, Hasslefree, Copplestone, Artizan, Black Cat Bases, Lucid Eye, Statuesque, Khurasan, Reaper, Heresy, Black Tree, Foundry, Miniature Mojo, Pulp, Moonraker, Bombshell, Nexus, Northstar, "What The?" and Magister Militum. (phew!)

Figures painted by Matt Slade, Robafett and myself.