
Monday 27 March 2017

7TV2 - A Cut in Time.

A few shots from the 'Teaser Trailer' of the release of episodes from the series "A Cut in Time" featuring the mysterious time travelling alien who goes by the moniker 'The Surgeon' - these long believed lost episodes were found in a hole being repaired in the A13 somewhere in Essex.

It is understood these old 35mm shot films are being re-edited and colourised for a new Betamax release in the near future. We can't wait!

Sunday 12 March 2017

Work in Progress - Adobe Buildings.

I picked up a trio of MDF adobe style buildings from a gent called John on eBay for £9.00 including free postage.

You couldn't buy the materials to make them yourself for that!

Quickly bashed the basic buildings together - you get a 'small', 'medium' and 'large' selection, the large one coming with a side element and a walled garden.

Not added the side structure yet but glued the walled area to a separate base. So far very pleased, the buildings fit together well and are very simple to construct. All come with separate doors and roof hatches. There is clearly plenty of scope for additions and modifications but I will probably keep mine fairly simple so I can use for different periods and settings from Wild West games to Pulp Alley.

Picture below from the eBay listing by John.

Find him (JBMDF Wargames) on Facebook and eBay.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Cavalier 2017.

Attended the Tunbridge Wells Wargaming Society show, Cavalier again.

Yet again a nice little show, not quiet the 'shopping-fest' of Salute!

SEEMS ran a zombie game this year which went down well by all accounts and our buddies from the Anti Alchemists ran a WWII game featuring some very deadly 'Green Devils'. My favourite this year had to be the very 'do it yourself' participation game "Fenris Descending" run by the Maidstone Wargames Society. I don't know how they didn't win ' Best Participation Game' of the day...

Maidstone Wargames Society - Fenris Descending

Hailsham Wargames Club - German Civil War 1919-1929 (Winner of best demo game)

Rainham Wargames Club - Blood, Bilge and Iron Balls (1/2400 Naval)

North London Wargames - Black Horse Strike (15mm Vietnam)

Gravesend Gamers Guild - Star Wars X-Wing

Society of Ancients - Cannae

Friday Night Firefight Club - As Above So Below (28mm Stalingrad)

SEEMS - Zombies!

Deal Wargames Society - Holding up the traffic -Prudka, Poland, 1939

Crawley Wargames Club - Operation Overlord

The Anti-Alchemists - Calvados & Chips (28mm WWII)

Elite fallschirmjager assault a building occupied by American troops. 14 US casualties and a room needing re-decoration was the result...

A great day, spending a lot of time just chatting to fellow gamers.

Managed to avoid buying too much this time, ending up with some pagan witch figures from Colonel Bill, some trees from Last Valley and a new KR multicase for my increasing 7TV collection!