
Monday 23 October 2023

2020-2023 Round-Up and Plans for the future...

So I thought I would look at the old blog again. Doubt I will update it as often as I used to as I am just not playing table top games as much as I did... but I am feeling a little more enthusiasm after a few years absence, mainly inspired by What a Cowboy! and a huge amount of pirates that I bought (and have since added to!) 

Very little happened table top gaming wise for the first part of 2020, then of course, Covid19 hit. Any plans went out the window and in all honesty I lost the buzz for miniature gaming completely. Online roleplaying took off and that became my main outlet gaming wise. The unpainted figures went away and the painting desk was closed. Other than a few pirates (that new project came out of the blue!) it was literally not until SELWG 2022 that I was invited to help play/run a demo game with the League of Gentlemen Wargamers that my interest started to creep back. We then had the pleasure of putting on a What a Cowboy participation game at SELWG 2023 which was great fun and went down a storm! The hard work seemed worth it in the end and it looks like we may put on another game for next year...maybe Judge Dredd???

So, plans from now on? If I feel the urge these are the projects floating around in my head...

1) Pirates - the only thing I found of interest and did manage over the last few years was to get into pirates...quiet a bit done already. Here's a little teaser of some of my new rogues and ruffians...

2) Palaeo Diet - very high on the potential list. I have the figures but nothing really painted.

3) Gangsters - a classic 1920's to 1930's, Prohibition era game. Mad Dogs With Guns are still my rules of choice. I mainly need to work on buildings for this, of which I have a lot...

4) The 70's - I am keeping this on the list as it still appeals to me and I have a fair bit done already. I detailed this in my last 2017-18 summary so won't go over old ground but basically, Living on the Frontline, Geezers! "Shut It!" , Aggro and maybe Combat Patrol. I am well on the way to this, at least figure wise.

5) Pulp - still a favourite genre but still never played Pulp Alley. Still not played the 2nd Edition either. 

6) Selling Stuff - a major aim over the next couple of years is to start clearing out my large amount of 'stock' I have amassed over the years. A lot was bought specifically for when I was in the early stages of setting up a games business (that never materialised, obviously) and I need to motivate myself to finally start shifting it!

7) Judge Dredd - for SELWG 2024?

And that's it for now...and most of this is a pipe dream at the moment.

The age old mantra returns - the main aim will be to try to PLAY more games and finish some projects for once.