
Monday 6 August 2012

Wild West - Escape From 'Bloody' Bledsoe.

Blood On the Streets of Inconsequence.

Over a bloody weekend in Bledsoe, in the County of Inconsequence, two titanic struggles took place between law and outlaw. The Man at Inconsequential News will give a full and shocking chronicle of events.

The Cast of Characters.

The Town of Bledsoe.

Day one: Escape and Capture.

It is quiet in Bledsoe, very quiet. Last night the gang of the madman Hal "Crazy Gun" Stacks had raided the jail and after a furious fire fight in which he was sorely wounded they had retreated to the Golden Star and Rouge Saloons at the east end of Main. The Sheriff, Clint Dedman was holed up in the Red Faced Hotel with a few wounded deputy's and hastily deputised some citizens. he knew that Marshal Harrison Dooley, the legend of Gunshot City on the far side of Inconsequence County, was on his way to pick up the prisoner so all he had to do was stop them leaving town which meant blocking the way to the barn where all the horses had been herded after last night fray.

Day Two: Bloody Revenge.

It is quiet in Bledsoe, very quiet. Last night the gang of the madman Crazy Gun Stacks had returned to Bledsoe and again raided the jail to rescue the still sorely wounded Stacks along with Joey Martinez who had been captured with him, and so locate the stash of bullion from their last job. In a repeat of the previous raid they had been cut off from their horses (locals have herded them into the barn as before) and retreated to the Golden Star and Rouge Saloons at the east end of Main.

The Sheriff, Clint Dedman was holed up in the Red Faced Hotel with a few wounded deputy's and hastily deputised some citizens. Marshal Harrison Dooley had been called away for a few days but was expected back today to reclaim Stacks for the county court. He had done it before so he should be able to stop them again at least until the Marshal arrived. However the gunshot wound received at the end of the last battle while recovered from has left him a much more cautious man.

(See GM's After Action Report above - some shots of the action below)

"Two Guns" Caffrey, "Porkins" Garrity and "Longhorn" Pete.

Bobby "Boy" Roach takes cover.

Hal's enlisted help drag him across the street!

Marshal Dooley takes out Daniel "Red" Carson.

"Two Guns" Caffrey and Rosie Thorn sneak down an alley.

Joey Martinez and Leo "Smiley" Owens.

Joey Martinez kicks down the Hotel door and unleashes a shotgun blast!

Blood on the streets of Bledsoe...

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