
Saturday 29 September 2012

Call of Cthulhu - "The Last Log" Scenario.

Found this excellent scenario in one of my old White Dwarf magazines and thought I would share. I remember running this and keeping the players on their toes! We used Traveller miniatures in our game but it didn't look quite as good as the pics below...

The much sought after Grenadier Traveller Imperial Marines boxed set - 

Check out Killshot Productions they have a lovely set of painted miniatures that featured in this scenario.


  1. love the black painted Airfix Space 1999 Eagle in that scenario.

  2. Yeaah, that is the best paint job ever for one of those birds. I also dig the APC in the one shot.

    Though, I would have skipped the OTU Imperial Marine Maroon, and gone with black with white markings like the Eagle. But that just might be me.

    And I swear I would give a moments thought to doing some bad things to get another set of those lovely Grenadier Traveller Imperial Marines.

    Thanks for posting this.

  3. I know - I so want a set of those Marines and the Eagle (or two)...

  4. Loved that scenario - remember the party being trapped in the ship by a shoggoth armed with only a fire extinguisher and the NCO's electric shock swagger stick! (He was a hard-ass that man!!)
