
Wednesday 24 October 2012

Citadel Newsletters July / August / September 85.

Next from the newsletter archive is one from early 85 - not sure what month but the first Citadel Journal gets a mention. In this one we have some Fighting Fantasy figures, which I must admit I don't even remember them, some of the Lord of the Rings range, the Dark Disciples of the Red Redemption (my mate Rob had LOADS of these and they were a chilling site on our Warhammer battlefields!) plus some Orcs and Hobgoblins. My faves here are the C06 Dwarfs, of which as you can probably tell I had most of. They are currently getting a well deserved paint-job after over 25 years!

Next is a couple of pages from the July 85 newsletter - I didn't bother to copy all this one as it was just repeated lists. This one contains some old D&D / AD&D figures, more Orcs and the excellent range of C46 Villagers and Townsfolk. I still have these and will get around to painting them (one day...)

Next is the August 85 releases. More AD&D, Lord of the Rings, the LE3 Gumshoes (which I still own and actually painted!), the second slotta-based version of Golgfags Ogres, the excellent Giant Hill Troll (want!) and best of all a tantalising advert for Blood Bath at Orc's Drift. Was it really on £5.95...

Lastly we have the September 85 releases. More AD&D, Lord of the Rings and Hobgoblins. This also has some nice Beastmen which sadly I never managed to get hold of. Interestingly on here is the Limited Edition  LE2 Imperial Space Marine. Wonder how much he is worth these days?

Next up are some 86 / 87 newsletters!


  1. Wardy-la, again, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! What an incredible thrill seeing these treasure maps/newsletters (which are really complete treasures themselves!) of hidden/forgotten/as well as never-even-knew-about miniatures! Now if you can build us all a Time Machine, please count me in...

  2. Ahh lots of classics here - got quite a range of the minis featured here.

    Still gotta collect 'em all though! ;)

    I'll second the request for temporal transport - I want that Megadeal!

  3. That red-on-yellow sheet was the first ever I received - back when I saw an advert for Citadel in the rear pages of a Lone Wolf page and dutifully sent my SAE off!

    Haven't seen it for 27 years and never expected to again...

  4. It's been great fun to find these again. Glad people are enjoying seeing them! How I wish I had spent a few more quid of my pocket money at the time...
    Showing my age now, but I still love the old line drawing ones most! More to come!
