
Monday 22 July 2013

Sarissa Warehouse

Though I seem to have trouble focusing on one project most of the time I have been recently concentrating on building up my 7TV / DWMG collection. One thing with this is that a good bit of terrain really helps with the feel of the game, whereas you can get away with a green matt and a couple of trees for a dark ages setup. I am currently trying to get a bit of 'modern' scenery together so decided to look at a few centre pieces for this.

A few months back I picked up the Sarissa Precision CityBlock Warehouse as I had seen this on a couple of other blogs and thought it looked great. I ordered and finally have got around to making it and thought I would add a few photos.

Warehouse in mid build.
Above is the warehouse in mid construction. After arranging all the component parts and figuring out what was what, I began by painting these before construction, as advised by Matt on his blog. I initially tried to spray undercoat the windows in white but overdid it a little and made the board a bit soggy. Leaving this to dry I began on the other parts, selecting a mix of greys for the 'concrete' parts and mixing up a near enough version of 'London Brick Yellow' for the walls. I painted the wooden steps, pillars and loading doors with burnt umber and the rails in black. Internal dividing walls and window were in white and the front door red. I also used a variety of reds with a wash of Baal Red to create a dirty brick look on the loading bay.

Completed warehouse with some foliage for effect.
Construction itself was relatively simple, just have some big rubber bands and some good glue handy! Follow the instructions and you can't really go wrong. Painting the thing took the bulk of my time. The etched detail can take quite a few thin layers of paint so don't be afraid to splash it on.

Rear view showing the loading bay doors.
The roof is tightly held on with small notches around the edge of the walls and lifts off to reveal the internal detail. This has clearly been designed for 'play' as the mezz level also lifts out to show the rooms beneath.

Inside showing the mezz office level.
The wooden stairs are also removable, as are the loading bay doors. There are small stands for these if you want to add them but I decided on them as they are. I also left the grey steps (back and front) to be removable.

Plenty of space inside!
You are also provided with four large box crates but I hadn't glued these when I took the pics. I also bought some plastic pallets by Siku from eBay to create some cover inside.

The Doctor wonders why there appears to be broccoli in the front garden.
The pic above hopefully gives some idea of the scale of this building - it is a bit of a beast! As I said before, it is really designed to be 'play' usable rather than being an accurate model of a warehouse. Having said that, check out what Headnhalf has done with his one - very effective!

I can't wait to get this on the table and in use. It will be an excellent centre-piece and I can highly recommend it despite it being a tad pricey at £50.

Now all I need are a few more buildings from the CityBlock range and a couple of metres of wire fencing!

The Doctor is 'Tweedy Mattison' from Crooked Dice (as if you didn't know)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these ain't cheap. But I guess you get what you pay for.
