
Monday 10 March 2014

7TV - Agents, Villains & Henchmen.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

Colonel Lenya, von Polhmann, Lady Jane Winstanley.

Agent King, Agent 'Ditto' Henderson, Agent Zhirov.

Henry, Count Draskovich, Marvin

Boris, Doctor Wei Mao, Konstantin.

Lucy Lympkiss, Gerhard Severan, Mason Dunn.

Agent Dieter Fink & the Hitlerbot.

General Gordon, Agent Glengetty, Agent Torkildson.

Soul Section - Elwood, Semmes, Gonzalez.

Hoffman, Frady, Jacques.

Maciejewski, Trevisani, Pugh.

Figures are Artizan and Copplestone.


  1. Awesome collection. Love the backgrounds the building look amazing,

  2. Amazing! I really like the Soul Section woman's dress, and nice appearance by Robo-Hitler. Great work all round.
