
Thursday 17 March 2016

Cavalier 2016.

Better late than never...

Robafett and I attended the Cavalier show at Tonbridge again - its fast becoming one of our mainstay shows on the calendar, Salute (huge and busy) and SELWG (disappointing again last year sadly) and I always find this a pleasant little show that I have developed a bit of a soft spot for. Friendly atmosphere, a few good displays (but not over the top) and a reasonable selection of traders.

The SEEMS gang had a Viking game on in the main games hall whilst our pals Chris and John (aka League of Gentlemen Anti Alchemists) were running a participation game based on the early exploits of a young Erwin Rommel during the First World War as he tries to fight his way through a small town swarming with French!

A few pics from the games...

Anti Alchemists - Rommel:His Downfall 1915

Anti Alchemists - Rommel:His Downfall 1915

SEEMS - Fury From the North 886

Southend Wargames Club

North London Wargames Group

Gravesend Gamers Guild


Hailsham Wargames Club

Friday Night Firefight

There were a few other games that I seem to have missed taking pics of but all looked good, including The Maidstone Wargames Society who won Best Demonstration Game of the day.

The Anti Alchemists won the Best Participation Game - Rob and I managed to play and it was great fun.

Picked up a few goodies from the traders - C3P0/R2D2 and Boba Fett for Imperial Assault, a pack of 'Bandidos' from Knuckleduster (that was unexpected...I'm blaming Colgar6...) some plastic grass and a box of 32 Copplestone sci-fi troopers for £20 from the Bring & Buy.

All in all a nice day out.

Next up is the big one...SALUTE!

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