
Monday 10 October 2016

SELWG 2016.

Andy and I attended the SELWG Show at Crystal Palace on Sunday. A reasonable sized show with a good mix of traders it has sadly been a tad disappointing (in my humble opinion) over the last couple of years.

I must say I did enjoy it much more this year although it still feels like it is missing something. Perhaps it is the venue (big but oddly split over levels, bemused swimmers next door and little in the way of food/drink/seating areas)?  Maybe it was not as busy? Were there a couple of my favourite traders missing (Crooked Dice, Heresy, Sarissa, Warbases, Gripping Beast etc)? Maybe I was just annoyed at Warlord Games (who were present) and their dropping of the ball on the Doctor Who miniatures so far?

Either way, there were some good games on show and a pleasant atmosphere.

It was great chatting to friends (SEEMS and The League of Gentlemen aka Anti Alchemists) who both had tables and the highlight had to be the South London Warlords Doctor Who game which was fantastic eye candy!

Some pictures from show - 



SEEMS - Cheer up lads :)



The League of Gentlemen - WW2 Game.

Fantastic terrain as always from John and Chris et al.

League of Gentlemen

League of Gentlemen

League of Gentlemen

League of Gentlemen

Some pictures from the other games...

Gravesend Gamers - X-Wing.

Gravesend Gamers

Gravesend Gamers

GLC Games Club - Lion Rampant.





Reading & Newbury - Senlac.

Reading & Newbury

South London Warlords - Winners of Best in Show.

Well deserved with their amazing "Tomb of the Cybermen" game, featuring loads of Cyberfolk, Daleks and scratch built Sontarans and Yeti!

South London Warlords

South London Warlords

South London Warlords

South London Warlords

South London Warlords - Cybermen!

South London Warlords - U.N.I.T.

South London Warlords - Daleks!

South London Warlords - Sontarans, Yeti etc.

South London Warlords

South London Warlords

Shepway Wargamers - Winner of Best Demo Game.

Shepway Wargamers

Shepway Wargamers

Shepway Wargamers

Crawley Wargames Club - Operation Overlord.

Crawley Wargames Club

Maidstone Wargames Society - Winner of the Best Scenery Award.

Maidstone Wargames Society

Essex Warriors - Appalachian Spring (ACW).

Essex Warriors


??? - Moncontour

??? - Moncontour

Peter Pig - Men of Company B.

Peter Pig

Peter Pig

Mexican Revolution Game.

??? - Mexican Revolution

??? - Mexican Revolution

??? - Mexican Revolution

Simon Miller - To the Strongest.

Simon Miller

Pickets Charge.

??? - Pickets Charge

There were a few other nice looking games that I forgot to take pics of, mainly on the upstairs section.

My haul for the day included two Opsrey books to fuel my current obsession with all things "Winter of '79" since I had painted up the excellent Army men from Crooked Dice.

I also picked up the new "Congo" rules from Studio Tomahawk - my only planned purchase of the day (thanks to the guys at Wargames Foundry who gave me a tenner off the retail price! #loveWargamesFoundry) plus a pack of Foundry tribal archers for said game (I already have tons of DA figures but could not resist as I had just saved ten quid with the Foundry folk...). Lastly, my final obligatory panic buy at the end of the show was a resin wall set from the excellent Debris of War having seen a set on the League of Gentlemens table.

 I think this will always remain a constant in our show attendance but I really need to try and get to some other shows at some point.


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