
Friday 2 February 2018

Rogue Stars - Crew: TerraSec Section 7 (Off World)

Pointed up my second Rogue Stars Crew for an upcoming game. After we somehow managed to get the rules so ridiculously wrong on our first try we decided we needed to give it another go as we enjoyed it anyway!

Below we have Squad Alpha of TerraSec, Section 7 (Off-World).

This is a small interplanetary police force that is responsible for tracing those guilty of infringements of Terran law once the perpetrators have left / fled the planet.

It is made up of a command and administration department and 12 squads each usually led by an Inspector. The rest of the squad can vary in size and personnel depending on the task at hand.

From l-r: Inspector Sally "Pitch" Hawk, Deputy Ola "Christmas" Bruhanski, Specialist Pulgoy Losal, Deputy Alt Eight and Deputy Synch Alderman. Alt and Synch are from the same clone batch.

Inspector Sally "Pitch" Hawk
Traits - Veteran, Ambidexterity, Leadership 2, Steadfast 1
Armour - Light Combat Dress
Weapons & Gear - SMG x2, Knife

Deputy Ola "Christmas" Bruhanski
Traits - Ambidexterity, Martial Arts 3, Reactive
Armour - Light Combat Dress
Weapons & Gear - Slug Pistol, Patrol Baton x2

Specialist Pulgoy Losal
Traits - Steadfast 1, Toughness 3, Marksman 1
Armour - Light Combat Dress
Weapons & Gear - Heavy Blaster Rifle

Deputy Alt Eight
Traits - Ambidexterity, Toughness 1, Weapon Master 1, Danger Sense
Armour - Light Combat Dress
Weapons & Gear - Slug Pistol x2, Sword, Knife

Deputy Synch Alderman
Traits - Ambidexterity, Marksman 2
Armour - Light Combat Dress
Weapons & Gear - SMG x2

Med Tech Jessia "Doc" Galven (above)
Traits - Difficult Target, Medic 1, Xenologist, Psionic, Steadfast 1
Armour - Light Combat Dress
Weapons & Gear - SMG

Rookie #1 (no pic)
Traits - Alert, Marksman 1, Martial Arts 1, Reactive
Armour - Light Combat Dress
Weapons & Gear - Assault Rifle, Knife

Rookie # 2 (no pic)
Traits - Alert, Martial Arts 2, Reactive
Armour - Light Combat Dress
Weapons & Gear - Slug Pistol, Patrol Baton, EM Shackles

This is about 300 points worth but gives a bit of manoeuvre room for different teams... Figures are from Hasslefree.


  1. Awesome. Love the Chipster Its perfect for rogue stars. I have some Counterblast stuff in the pile somewhere I really must get some painted up

  2. Cheere Simon. I know, I love the Chipster figure too. Oddly I got a freebie from Hasslefree of the 'naked' Chipster and that's now painted up too lol. Poor Chipster.
