
Friday 2 March 2018

Cavalier 2018.

Once again, we attended the first regular show on our calendar, Cavalier, the Tunbridge Wells Wargaming Society show!

As always, a nice friendly little show, where we tend to go for a chat and maybe a game rather than a shopping spree.

Spent most of our time with Chris, Jon and Graham (that'll be The League of Gentlemen Anti Alchemists) who ran a fun 'Tex-Mex' Texan Revolution battle "Come & Get It!". This was based on the Battle of Concepcion.

Rob took command of the Mexican force and I played his second but in a early error of judgement (and a misunderstanding of the rules!) we split our force with only one leader...

For a full (and excellent) battle report hop over to Robs "How to Start a Revolution".

The Winner of the Best Participation Game was "Twisting the Dragons Tail" based on the Zeebrugge Raid in WWI by the Maidstone Wargames Society. A truly excellent set up!

Deal Wargames Society ran "The Dragons Rampage at Tangmingbao" which looked pretty good.

SEEMS ran a "Big Tanks" participation game which looked to go down well.

Unfortunately I didn't get many pics this year, too busy chatting! For some reason the show seemed a little light on the traders this year but the demo/participations games were as good a usual.

I picked up a stack of 1/43ish scale diecast cars on the cheap for my Mad Dogs With Guns campaign plus a Crooked Dice 'Ecto 1' car from the Bring & Buy (which was incredibly busy!)

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