
Sunday 14 August 2011

Reaper Minis.

Recently picked up three lovely figures from Reaper Miniatures and looking forward to getting them painted. Got them all from Tim at Miniature Heroes.

First up is the "Male Werewolf" sculpted by James van Schaik -

Lovely sculpt with seperate arms and tail that didn't need too much work to fit, in my humble opinion!

Next is "Jean Paul Duchamps, Werewolf" by Ben Siens -

Another nice model - this guy looks like he needs a little more work (maybe pinning on the right arm) and perhaps a bit of the old green stuff to fill in a few gaps. Great aggressive pose though!

Both these chaps are around the 40mm mark, so pretty big and intimidating when up close to an average 28mm figure. They are probably two of the best werewolves I have come across.

Finally is the "Lord of the Jungle and Familiar" by Julie Guthrie -

Basically this is Tarzan and Cheetah in metal form. Yet again, great sculpts but I have to admit I was drawn more by the Cheetah / chimpanzee figure after spotting it on Carmen's Fun Painty Time blog and could not resist picking them up!

Will try to post some pics when these guys are based or painted.

(Pictures from the Reaper Miniatures website.)

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