
Wednesday 17 August 2011

VBCW - The Yorkist Front.

The Duke of Yorks (Own) Regiment.

A unit from York has joined the fight in East Anglia! Supporters of The Duke of York, Earl of Inverness and Baron Killarney – the rightful heir to the Throne as the True King of the United Kingdom & the Dominions of the British Commonwealth.

Albert, Duke of York (holding pipe) and Sir Stanley Birch (to his left) with their senior command.

The Yorkist Front is centred around the Duke of Yorks (Own) Regt (DoYoR)- garrisoned in York. There is one regular battalion and 2 of TA at the depot - the rest of the regulars are overseas. The Fulford Barracks, York and Strensall Camp (just a couple of miles north of York) was/is a significant base.

The Yorkist Front effectively control the City, with support from the local Anglican League militia. The YF is led by a retired General, Sir Stanley Birch.

The Rowntrees Sweet Factory and Railway Union both have militia's, but they are onside, due to the overwhelming local strength of the DoYoR, who have provided training for them. A key strategy is to keep the road open to Hull, where the Anglicans have access to the Port and to harrass Catterick (A major garrison to the North, held by the King) and prevent BUF forces moving up the Great North Road.

The 'Essex' Brigade with transport. The Dukes Silver Shadow sits to the left of the picture with the Rev. Henry J. Crealock, an important contact with the Anglican League, beside it.

With their three Battalions they effectively have one Btn. to defend the City, one to protect various local key points around York, such as the airfields, and one Btn. for offensive action. A detachment of this Btn. currently finds itself in North Essex, drumming up support from the local Anglican League leaders and militia's.
Observant guards discover a cunning BUF spy and his accomplice! 

Character - professionals, military tactics, mobile punches against government lines.
Current transport is provided by four converted buses, although the unit is hoping for more support vehicles to join them in the near future.

(figures and unit history courtesy of AKULA)

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