Ars Magica Campaign

The Covenant of Sirius - The Year of Our Lord 1222

The Magi
Cornelius (Bonisagus / Terram)
Malius (Verditius / Terram)
Sarimarcus (Jerbiton / Corpus)
Modestus (Guernicus / Mentum)
Magunnus (Flambeau / Ignem)
Jagd Todtenbruch (Tremere / Aquam)
Arcavia Abandonata (Ex-Miscellanea / Herbam)

Arvalis (Filius Malius / Carpenter / deaf-mute)
Lynette (Filia Sarimarcus / Daughter of Margaret / 10yrs old)
Balthasar (Persian / 16yrs old)

Lord Oswald of Wight (Nobleman / Knight / Head of Covenfolk)
Valeray (Bard / Sidhe blood)
Cadwallen (Hunter / Woodsman / Goblin blood)
Hugo Jager (German mercenary)

Brother Owen (Itinerant Preacher)
Margaret (Autocrat & Steward of Sirius / educated)
Nasir (Iberian Moor / Nobleman)
Anseau (French Knight / pious / good reputation)
Thibaut (Rogue / daring / avaricious / sociable)
Lucien (Storyteller / Bard / Sidhe blood)
Kurt (Bookbinder / Librarian / Scribe)
Paul (Ropemaker)
John (Farmer / Husband of Alice)
Alice (Farmer / Wife of John / Head Cook)
Jake (Young son of John & Alice / has small horns / 8yrs old)
Harland (Farmer / Husband of Katherine)
Katherine (Farmer / Wife of Harland)
Bartholomew (Farmer / Husband of Isabella)
Isabella (Farmer / Wife of Bartholomew / Ale Wife)
Gilburt (Farmer / Eldest son of Bartholomew & Isabella / 17yrs old)
Geoffrey (Son of Bartholomew & Isabella / 15yrs old / wants to join Turb)
Beatrice (Eldest daughter of Bartholomew & Isabella / 9yrs old)
Edelina (Youngest daughter of Bartholomew & Isabella / 6yrs old)
Gwyn (Drayman)
Meredith (Spinner / Weaver / Wife of Gwyn)
Efa (Daughter of Gwyn & Meredith / 8yrs old)
Pavia (Maid to Sarimarcus)
Angarad (Maid to Modestus)
James (Tinker / ex-thief / one ear missing)
Waldram (Blacksmith / missing eye / tattooed / has second sight)
Thomas (Charcoal Burner / reclusive hunchback / immune to fire)
Brethoc (Head Miner)
Gryffydd (Miner)
Meurig (Miner)

The Turb
Agnes (Turb Captain / female warrior / known as ‘Nest’)
Matthew (Turb Sergeant / Giant blood)
Hywel (Turb Sergeant / ex-crusader / proud / determined / reckless)
Dafydd (Turb Warrior / Shield Grog / berserker)
Scully (Turb Warrior / ex-bandit / loyal and brave)
Baran (Turb Warrior / ex-bandit / can be a coward)
Abelard (Turb Warrior / hygiene problems / brave and competent soldier)
Osgood (Turb Warrior / drunkard)
Treddian (Turb Warrior / poor memory / carefree / tough)
Rhodri (Turb Warrior / Archer / wrathful / scarred face)
Dunstan (Turb Warrior / Scout / loner with dog companion)
Étienne (Turb Warrior / French ex-crusader / brave / incomprehensible)

The Graveyard
Martin (Turb Captain / ex-bandit) (killed by the demon Samuel)

The Lost or Missing
Samuel (Shield Grog of Sarimarcus) (a demon in human guise)